Category Archives: 7. Miscellany

You Never Know…

I’ve been driving bowtie6 quite a bit these days…  A bit cold, but with the new kicker heater it is nice and toasty.  I guess since we are getting around, you never know when you are going to get a mug shot.

My friend and fellow TR6 owner, Adam Beasley sent me a text message yesterday with this photo.  The photo was taken at the parking lot of a local barbeque place (they have really good BBQ there!).  Turns out a friend of his took the photo and sent it to him.  Since he knew Adam owns a TR6, Adam told me he made the comment that he had “…seen this red TR6 and it was in decent shape.”.  Well, yeah!  So moral of the story, one one drives a “classic” car rather than having it in a garage all the time, you might get your picture taken!  🙂

As a side note, yesterday I had a chance to visit a car show that is held every year here at the Expo Center.  Mainly, it is a showcase of new cars where one has the chance to check out new cars without the pesky, ignoramus “car salesmen” flying around like underfed vultures.  At any rate, several things I learned last night:

  • They had the full lineup of CTS Cadillacs.  The CTSV’s no less.  They had a new coupe and the sedan both with the kicker supercharged LS engine.  Both were clad in a very awesome metallic black paint.  Very nice indeed.
  • The new Ecotec 1.4 turbo is awesome!!  There were several Cruze examples with the new 1.4 and man is this engine impressive.  Physically, it is smaller than the 2.2 or 2.4 Ecotec and should be a really good candidate for transplants.  The turbo on these is tiny!  It is unknown though, if a five speed gearbox will hook up to the back of the engine.  Then again, maybe if we get a pair of pliers and a blowtorch we could medieval on it…  😉
  • Had a chance to get an up close and personal view of the new Fiat 500.  They had two of them.  A hard top and a convertible.  Well…  Hate to say it, but what a POS.  I had a chance to sit in one and the ergonomics are all screwed up.  The shifter is in the wrong place and talk about cramped.  These things are expensive and I hate to say it but looks like they are not going to “make it”.  And from what I have been reading, they are not exactly selling lke the proverbial hot-cake.
  • Supercharged Vette was also very impressive.


1917 Locomobile – Part 3

I have a new set of pictures of the 1917 Locomobile.  Mainly they are of the interior of this magnificent machine.  The gallery below has many interesting details about the interior.

  • The Volt meter, made by the Westinghouse Company.
  • The clock is a Waltham.  Imagine that!
  • Check out the speedo.  Max speed is 75 mph.
  • All the bits inside the cab are nickel plated.
  • Check out the frames of the rear jumpseats…
  • The steering wheel is pretty cool, with the “spark” and “fuel” levers.


1917 Locomobile – Part 2

The rest of the Locomobile is pretty awesome too.  Here is a collection of pictures showing the interior and many other details on the Locomobile.

No, no ABS here.  This is the speedo sender.  Also notice the absence of front BRAKES!  The only brakes on this machine were on the back and they were these huge band affairs.  I don’t think this car would stop on a dime.  Matter of fact, I bet it took quite a long time to get it stopped.

Check out the flywheel on this machine!  It is not enclosed, the gear is helical cut so the starter has a better chance at engaging.

Take a look at the shine on the radiator surround.  This is not chrome, by the way.  This is nickle plated.  The entire car’s shiny parts were all nickle plated.  This stuff is amazing!

Next is a gallery of a few more details.  For you on the mailing list, do check out this post online – you will be missing out the photo gallery!

  • The springs on the rear suspension are twofold: 1) on the bottom is a full length spring, 2) on the top is a quarter elliptical.
  • Check out the fuel tank! Fuel gauge is mounted on top.
  • The fuel cap is screwed on.  The system is pressurized by a small hand activated pump on the dash.  Kinda like an old Coleman gas lantern.
  • All the doors are wood.  The frame is wood, has a turnbuckle on a cable to make them “fit”.  There is a metal skin folded over the wood frame.
  • The exhaust muffler is huge.  The thing is covered in what looked to be an asbestos blanket of some sort.

I mentioned above there are no front brakes.  Take a look at what stops this car.  These are the rear brakes…

Good Times…

I hope Santa was good to you all…

Santa was very good to bowtie6!!  Just had dinner, opened one of my Xmas presents and watching “To Catch a Thief”…  That blue Sunbeam was pretty darn awesome, but Grace Kelly in the white outfit and diamonds…  Dayum!

At any rate, this is what Santa brought me…

Good times indeed!

1917 Locomobile – Part 1

A Locomobile??

The Locomobile Company of America was founded in 1899 manufacturing affordable steam powered cars in Watertown, Massachusetts.  That lasted for a couple of years when they moved to Bridgeport, Connecticut and ditched the affordable cars for high-end luxury cars.  When I mean luxury cars, I’m talking high-end.  In 1919 a Locomobile open bodied car would sell for $10,000 while the proletarian Ford Model T sold for $300.

The pictures I am going to list here were taken at a local restoration shop.  We know the owner, matter of fact I bought bowtie6‘s ECOTEC engine and gearbox from him.  The Locomobile is there to have its upholstery completely restored including the enormous convertible top.  Finding all the material for the restoration has been a painstaking process requiring a special run of material made by the original manufacturer.  There will be no expense too high here…

There are so many details about this car.  I spent quite a bit of time looking it over, taking pictures and wondering.  Wondering where it had been, how many people it had carried and what roads and streets it had been driven on.  The 1920’s were full of excesses before the stock market imploded.  Wonder how many times this car was driven to swanky parties with occupants dressed to the hilt, “putting on the Ritz”?  Makes you wonder…

Obviously, the body has been painted and a lot of work has been done to the engine.  It is amazing.  However, there are so many intricacies raging from the engine, the wheels, the interior, dash, engine (oh my!) and well… Let me show you.

The engine is a side valve, inline six.  The piston jugs are finished in porcelain and each piston has 2 spark plugs.  There is copper and brass galore.  There is a magneto running power to each plug and each plug has a really interesting connector for the spark plug wire.

It looks like somebody must have spent a huge amount of time making the radiator.  The thing looks handmade.  The fan is pretty cool, with the outside ring around the blades.  And take a look at that fan belt.

On the exhaust side of the engine you can see a chrome heat riser for the carbs.  Down on the front side of the engine you can also see the water pump.  On the intake side of the engine, right behind the horn you can see the magneto and the bundle of fabric-covered spark plug wires.

This is an intriguing detail:

On either side of the copper tubing you can see two “valve” looking affairs on the engine head.  There were six of these, one for each cylinder.  Since this is an engine that was also set up to start by hand (there was a hand crank extension sticking through the front of the rediator), these are pressure relief valves.  Or, perhaps something to prime each cylinder with?

I’ll have more pics later…