Category Archives: 7. Miscellany

The Jim Ladd Show


My XM Radio and my old-school headphone tube amp tuned to The Jim Ladd Show, LORD HAVE MERCY!!

The Jim Ladd Show is broadcast every day on XM/Sirius satellite radio on Deep Tracks, channel 27, from “high in the Hollywood hills”.  If you have never heard it, you need to.

The format of the show is free-form and during the four-hour show, you get to hear some amazing stuff.  Very obscure “deep tracks” with great commentary.

Well, yesterday was the 1,000 installment The Jim Ladd Show.  There were many phone calls and many stories mainly of how the show started and so forth.  Here is a shout out to Jim – amazing show Jim!!!

Tryon International Equestrian Center

The weather is starting to get just right for nice drives with the top down on the S2000.  Last night, Wifey and I headed up to Columbus NC and had a great dinner at a small restaurant specializing in Italian cuisine: Giardini Trattoria.  Food was great, equally excellent service and overall we had a great time.  Since the sun had not totally set by the time we finished dinner, we headed to the nearby Tryon International Equestrian Center, in Tryon NC.

IMG_3140This picture does not do justice to this installation.  This is just a tiny fraction of what this equestrian wonderland is all about.  After all, word has it that a certain NY magnate and a west coast software mogul have invested many resources in this installation.  From what I understand there is a multi-star resort hotel in the works.  Many years ago, Wifey participated in this type of competitions and it was nice to have the play-by-play from someone who knows what is going on.  Suffice to say this was a $25,000 Grand Prix event.  It was most impressive…

Admission was free, and there are plenty of places to eat on the premises.  It also features a very kid-friendly environment.  I’m not a huge equestrian fan, but wifey and I will be checking this place out soon (hopefully with a better SLR camera, and not just an iPhone).  I am particularly interested in watching a dressage event.  Definitely a very  nice place to visit.

Midway through the event – similar to hockey – the grounds underwent grooming.  No Zamboni here, instead several water trucks and John Deere’s making sure the sand was oh-just-so-perfect.

Weather this morning was also perfect so I headed out for a nice bicycle ride.  I had to burn off the outstanding panna cotta I had for dessert the night before, so I logged a longer than usual ride.  Along the way, I snapped the following picture:

IMG_3158I know, an abandoned farm-house, big deal right?  I’ve written about this very place before – about 2.5 years ago – click here.  It looked less grown up with vegetation then, but the hold house is still there…



Palettes and a Desk

Palettes and a desk:  today’s post.  I’m driving today, just minding my business and out the corner of my eye, I catch a pickup hauling palettes and a desk.  A DESK!!!???


That is right – a DESK.

It’s amazing how folks have the balls (or ignorance) for hauling unsafe things on vehicles.  Then, just pull out and drive as if nothing unusual is happening.  Pure bliss (or ignorance) I suppose.  Today’s featured picture: the poster child of unsafe hauling.  The desk was barely holding on by a strap!

Somehow folks like this get away with it.  If it were me, I’d get pulled over and read the riot act.

Meet DiDi

Meet DiDi:  my little Welsh Pembroke Corgi.

DiDi hails from horse country in AIken, South Carolina.  DiDi is seven years old and we adopted her about 3 years ago from a breeder.  She is our retired supermodel wearing her permanent “little black dress”.  I say supermodel because at one time she took part in the show-dog circuit and even won a competition or two.  And of course, she knows how to “work it”: she is very successful at getting treats as well as cute pictures like the one above.

The Mrs took this picture today on her iPhone and I thought it was quite remarkable.  Amazing thing the iPhone.  And of course DiDi knows how to get the most out of the moment!